Annual Service Reports

Checklist for All Credentialed Ministers

1. Annual Service Report (ASR)

The Annual Service Report is your responsibility as a credentialed minister in The Wesleyan Church. It is part of your accountability as a minister of the Gospel and is required to keep your credential in good standing. This is your personal report (not the church stats report), so you may not designate this report to anyone else. Annual Service Reports will be open for completion April 1, 2025 to May 1, 2025.

On April 1, you will receive an email from the TWCHub Ministerial Community with information about how to access your report. If you did not receive the email, please be sure to check your junk or spam folders. If you still do not see the email, please contact the district office. Final due date is May 1.

Complete your ASR on the TWCHub Ministerial Community website TWCHub If you have not logged in within the past 90 days, you will be required to reset your password. Your user name is your full email address. Click on “Ministerial Community” to get started. HINT: If you use the “Forgot Password” link and you reset your password you will need to make sure your browser is not remembering an old password.

2. Edit Profile

When you are logged in to the TWCHub Ministerial Community click on the “Edit Profile” button and update your profile information with The Wesleyan Church. This information is the primary means of communications with your district and denomination, so please keep this information up to date throughout the year as changes happen. HINT: There are hidden fields only available in the Edit Profile window. These fields are private information only visible to the district and denomination, so please be sure to click that “Edit Profile” button to see your entire profile.

3. Register for District Conference

District Conference will be held Saturday, June 14, 2025 at Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church (required for all credentialed ministers). Requests to be excused are reviewed by the District Board of Administration. Registrations or requests to be excused are due no later than June 1, 2025.

Please register HERE
Request to be excused HERE