With the provision of new work opportunities, we are concluding our employment through Urban Advocacy. Future giving to Urban Advocacy will be directed fully to Mission of Christ, Grace Community, House of Grace and other ministry needs in Buffalo. Please note that we continue to be available to facilitate connections for ministry and service in the city.
Thank you for your prayer and vital ministry partnership in Buffalo through this last decade. For many beautiful advances of God’s reign, please join us in giving thanks:
- The launch of Mission of Christ Church led by Pastor Yoshua Bashizi
- Growth of Grace Community Church led by Pastor Barbara Farrow
- Work with the beautiful beloved community of Houghton University Buffalo
- The privilege to offer Spiritual Care for Jericho Road Community Health Center
- Friendship with newcomers to Buffalo from around the world
- Justice Advocacy and Trauma-informed care
So much joy fills our hearts as we think of these relationships and opportunities for community engagement. We want to express our deep gratitude to God and to you who have supported us in faithful prayer and sacrificial giving. As we reflect on the past 10 years, we offer this prayer.
PRAYER: Gracious God, form us to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with you. El Roi, the God-who-sees, we thank you for your liberating promise of justice that one day all your children will be free. Creator of us all, Giver of breath, we cherish the gift of life and potential for good you have given each of us. Forgive us for complicity with structural evil and all forms of oppression. Spirit of God, grant us compassion to see your people who are distraught, grief-stricken and terrorized. Save us from fear and hardness of heart toward immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and any of your vulnerable children. Rather, may we welcome them as neighbors. May we together envision the beloved community that you intend. Transform us to work together to fulfill your divine purposes for a just and redeemed world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Steve & Ruth Strand (716-640-2238 / 716-640-5306)
strandsc@gmail.com rewoolseystrand@gmail.com