Sponsored by the Western New York District of the Wesleyan Church, Refresh is an affordable vacation for families or individuals.
Our Core Values
Depending On God
Recognizing our dependence on the Holy Spirit, the work of the District is done in a context of prayer and centered on biblical truth, We believe Christ’s kingdom principles provide the necessary framework for both individual and corporate alignment to God’s purposes.
Developing Healthy Leaders
The foundation of vibrant churches is a growing cadre of servant leaders. Priority is given to training, credentialing and coaching pastors and developing lay leaders.
Building Healthy Churches
The local church is central to being Christ’s presence in the world. We will resource and empower our churches to be that presence in their community.
Working Together
United by our shared commitment to Christ’s kingdom, the District encourages cooperation and partnership among churches and ministries.
Stimulating Missional Multiplication
Christ’s commission involves the expansion and creation of churches to effectively reach all people groups and make disciples. A clear focus on biblical mandates includes both relevant proclamation and redemptive demonstration of God’s Grace.